Whitney Thiessen

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Spring Date Night Ideas

Are you looking for a fun date night that doesn’t require a babysitter?

If you’re like me, you enjoy date nights but planning ahead to find a babysitter isn’t your strong suit. Or maybe a babysitter costs too much. Or maybe you don’t have a babysitter.

This, friends, is a date night you can do from home, without having to find a babysitter!

It’s the sort of silly and cute thing we need right around now.

Go to the Walmart or Target and pick up the following things for your spouse:

- Favourite drink.
- Favourite snack.
- Favourite colour.
- Something that reminds you of them.
- An everyday thing.

Either put a movie on for the kids and have some adult time to hang out, or put the kids to bed a few minutes early so you have a couple of hours together where you can visit, play games, or watch your favourite movie!

Comment below when you try! I can’t wait to see how fun this is for you!

#dateyourspouse #athomedatenight #datenightideas #datenightoutfit #datenightidea